This week I'm excited to share with you 7 simple yet effective habits you can start this week to feel and look younger!
Cheers to Youthfulness: Less Booze, Better Looks! Let's start with some tough love. We all love a good glass of wine, but let's be real - it's not doing us any favors in the 'looking and feeling young' department (sorry!). Even if you're splurging on the fancy stuff it's still a toxin and, as the Gateway Foundation so graciously puts it, "Drinking makes your face look puffy, tired, and older than your actual age"!
Play Smart: Game On for Mental Sharpness Throw some brain training into your daily routine. But don't waste hours on games you're already good at. For example, I'm dyslexic, so I kick off my day with 5-10 minutes of WORD puzzles to wake up the language part of my brain.
Age-Defying Eats: Fruits and Vegetables Combat Aging Inflammation Loading up on fruits and vegetables floods your body with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals - an essential anti aging strategy. This obvious, yet frequently overlooked, habit tackles inflammation (aka the troublemaker behind aging).
H2O Glow-Up: Skin's Best Friend Water is your BFF. Drinking a minimum of 64 fl oz (8 glasses) a day is a simple way to improve skin elasticity, and promote a youthful glow. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day - to keep your skin plumped up and toxins out.
Keep Going, Keep Mobile, Stay Bendy, Not Stiff! When you can move freely you’ll look and feel younger. From as young as 30 (!) we can start to stiffen up, especially if we don’t exercise or if we workout in a repetitive way (runners and cyclists I’m looking at you). I include mobility drills for each major joint as part of my client’s warm ups so that they can keep on top of any declining range of motion.
Slumber Elixir: Revitalize with Zzz's Clear skin and a refreshed body, anyone? Quality sleep not only revitalizes your body but also contributes to smoother, clearer skin. Do your sums to make sure you give yourself enough time with no distractions to fall asleep and get the hours you need.
Muscle Magic: Keeping Your Body Naturally Perky! Want to keep that youthful toned look? It's all about muscle. However, it tends to vanish as time goes on. The antidote? Resistance training and getting enough protein. Whether you want to workout with me, join a class, or find some routines on YouTube, hang on to that muscle!
We've looked at ways to revitalize your life with 7 healthy aging strategies: being mindful of alcohol consumption to engaging in daily brain training, increasing fruit and veg intake, staying hydrated, staying mobile, prioritizing quality sleep, and maintaining muscle mass. These holistic well-being tips pave the way for age-defying wellness and youthful vitality! Want to get content like this straight to your inbox every Friday? Sign up HERE |
Clara Depont is a certified personal trainer at When she’s not helping women get toned, strong, and flexible through effective and unique workouts, she’s traveling in search of the perfect forest or vista. You can get to know her best through her Weekly Emails, Instagram or Facebook. She is British and lives in New Mexico.
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